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Want to start a candy wrapping business?


How To Start A Candy Wrapping Business

What woman doesn’t love chocolate? Combine that with all the emails I get from moms who want to find a business where they are able to make money with their home computer and boy, have I got an idea for you! Chocolate + your computer = your new home business!

If you haven’t heard about the business of candy wrapping then let me give you a quick explanation. This is where you take a candy bar and you design and print your own wrapper to put over the candy bar’s original wrapper. Now you might be wondering why would someone want to do this? Well these favors make wonderful birthday and wedding favors. They are great for special events and get-togethers like family reunions and retirement parties, and can be used in fundraising events.

And it isn’t just chocolate bars that candy wrappers are finding to wrap. They’re also wrapping lifesavers, gum, tic tacs, mint, and even popcorn bags. Some wrappers are even wrapping non-food items like bubbles and matchbooks.

More Ideas Of People and Groups Who Might Want Your Service:
· Bridal shops
· Wedding planners
· Event planners
· Baby shops
· Obstetrician offices
· Florists
· Gift shops
· Specialty toy stores
· Trade shows
· Professional fundraising groups (try the school your kids go to)

Skills Needed:

The skills you will need for this business might be something you already posses. But it helps to be creative and have some knowledge of graphics software. However, there are lots of programs and free ready-made wrappers available on the Internet. Customer service skills are important too. You’ll need to market your business and there are so many great ways to get your business name out there. A chocolate bar with your business card wrapped around it would be a great way to get people’s attention.


Equipment that you might already have is a computer, color printer, some type of graphics software, paper for your wrappers, and in some cases you might need candy bars (sometimes clients will provide the candy bars and you just need to sell them the wrappers). When just starting out, scissors work great for cutting your wrappers, but as your business grows you’ll want to look into a nice paper cutter. You’ll also need something to stick your wrappers together. Glue sticks or tape works great. Make sure whatever you choose is acid free and photo safe.

Once you’re business gets rolling a little more, you might want to invest in a scanner and/or Digital camera if you don’t already have one. These are useful if you want to add personal photos to your wrapper designs.

When looking for paper, candy bars, ink etc. Try to buy in bulk. You’ll usually get a better deal and be able to keep more of your profits if you shop wisely.

For more information on how to get started visit: Bizymoms.com!